Every purchase helps our School and many specials benefit participants too!
Start iGiving in three easy steps:
1. Join iGive.com for FREE
2. Shop online at any of the 700+ stores in the iGive Network. You’ll see all of your favorites, including amazon.com, LandsEnd, Staples, eBay and many more!
3. Temple Beth David Religious School receives a check for up to 26% of each purchase.
Did you know that the TBD Religious School collects “Box Tops for Education?” Over the years we have earned hundreds of dollars to support our programs with donations of Box Tops. Please bring your Box Tops to the School Office or simply drop them in the folder outside our office door.
We collect inkjet cartridges, cell phones, calculators, small electronics, tablets etc. and have them recycled to raise funds.
Thank you for your support!